The Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries
A  7-month journey of embodied  awakening, liberation and empowerment
Temple Gates Open  Again In 2025!
Enter into this living temple of archetypal wisdom & goddess embodiment to activate your power, liberate your creative life force energy and dance the journey of your divine feminine emergence!
There is a reason women's bodies have been the target of intense projection for so many thousands of years...

Because they are so fu**kin’ powerful!

Sister, Your body is an instrument of the divine, infused with the power of creation itself!

Through intentional awareness, breath and movement (dance!) you can access this power and consciously work with it and through it. By tapping into the ecstatic currents of life force energy that naturally animate your body you can open portals of transformation and catalyst as you unlock your innate sensuality, vitality, power and inner knowing.

The Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries offers an integrative path to experiencing your body and your dance as a sacred vehicle for your own personal liberation & self-discovery. 
Join The 2025 Waitlist
Shares From Past Initiates 
"I learned to engage with the energetics in my body  and connected to the deep meaning and nuances of the movements."

~Suzanah  Fitzgerald

"I am now able to move through the world in greater grace, ease, peace and compassion. I have learned to come into presence in my being."

~ Lucretia Hoverter

"My biggest transformation was learning all aspects of myself and having compassion for the person I am, I was and am becoming. 

~ Tami Kwak

Movement is life. Everything is dancing and spiraling in and out of existence, constantly changing, swirling, and cycling. It is our root human nature to more deeply connect with The Dance of Life through movement. We amplify the power and mystery of  The Great Goddess Dance of Existence when we dance. 
Being in intentional temple space and reclaiming the role of ritual and ceremony in our lives fortifies our connection to spirit and the magic of existence. We co-create an alchemical cauldron where our personal processes are held safely in an energetic container. We enter a timeless and rarified space where transformation, transmutation and communion can occur.
Archetypes are the building blocks of our shared human experience and universal, foundational energies that relate to us all. They are containers of consciousness that we all hold within. Working with the divine feminine archetypes empower us to express dormant aspects of ourselves and come to know and celebrate our glorious multifaceted nature.
We come together in a Holographic Hall Of Mirrors understanding that we are reflections of one another. We grow through each other’s growth, we receive each other’s medicine and we learn more about ourselves through each other's truths. As we amplify wisdom together, we heal the wounds of comparison and competition. In the potent synergy of sisterhood, we raise high magic. 
As quantum physics shows us, a witness is a crucial element in change and manifestation.  Being witnessed by another in love and integrity helps us to catalyze our experiences and move through them in grace and gratitude. We are here to fully witness one another without advising, needing to change, fix, or dissipate. We “hold space” for one another in whatever is coming up and through in love and acceptance. We co-create a space of safety where all can feel seen.

The Eight Gateways
Shares From Past Initiates 
"The priestess circle was a safe container to be seen & held. I had a safe space to practice being authentically myself."

~ Areal

"The ability to make a safe container for all sisters to share and be heard is truly remarkable. The creation of divine space was beautiful."

~ Helen

"I was able to dance and move stuck energy through to be healthier physically and emotionally on my path."

~ Moon

This is an Invitation sister, 
To bring full  presence to the divine potency of your sacred physicality
To become masterfully equipped with divine feminine embodiment practices that keep your vibration high and expand you  into greater horizons of  your power and potential
The Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries fosters a great re-patterning  back to the sacredness and power of our bodies and back to the reverence and celebration of the creative feminine through EMBODIMENT.
All Women Welcome!
The Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries welcomes women of all ages, sizes, shapes, fitness & movement experience levels, orientations, ethnicities, cultural and spiritual lineages! 
This is a safe container for all women!
Sister, you are perfect, you are whole, you are powerful, you are beautiful.
You are connected to the great dance of all that is.
You are a unique expression of goddess energy.
You are a divine dancer.

Enter into The Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries and Remember……
Join the Waitlist
In 2025 the temple gates will open to welcome in a new round of initiates! Sign up for the waitlist and be the first to know when The Divine Feminine Movement Mystery Temple re-opens!
Over the years I have worked with Sedona and have always enjoyed it. Yet this time around, there was something different about her teachings and offerings. They were LIT UP, in a way that I hadn't experienced before. Sedona FULLY embodies her work, words, and movements. It is clear she lives and breathes the offerings she teaches moment to moment. I am so grateful for her and want to keep working with her on this Priestess path. Personally, I am on the road to recovery from an eating disorder and past trauma. I have been carrying around a broken heart and sense of self for quite a few years now. Coming home to my body and seeking out dance again was a scary idea,yet I knew it was necessary for my healing. I am glad Sedona was the one I could grasp hands with and guide me back to a sense of wonder and ease in regards to the sacred work of dance.. Through working with her I was reminded of magic that exists within my form.

~Angela Alberto

Sedona has been a huge inspiration and catalyst on my journey. Working with her was nothing short of profound. She has ignited a deep remembrance within me of the ancient ways of temple arts and of the Priestess through radical embodiment and a deep honoring of the lineages she teaches from. She illuminated parts of me that have been longing for a deeper, richer, more embodied way of moving through the world. Since working with her I’ve become more attuned to my highest self, and more devoted to my rituals and practices that bring me closer to my truest essence. She holds an incredibly nurturing and inspiring space. I will forever cherish all that I’ve gained and learn from working with her and plan to continue partaking in her offerings as they have changed the course of my life and ignited a fire that I desire to tend to for the rest of my life.

~ Indigo Elizabeth

Sedona Swan draws upon twenty-five years of yoga study, two decades of  bellydance, ten years of classical Indian temple dance training, twelve years of priestess arts practice and archetypal goddess study to guide you in
Divine Feminine Embodiment
Sedona’s circle is blessed by her grace as a gifted priestess.. Witnessing and working with all of the sisters  felt so organic and inspired and not at all hindered by technological aspects. Sedona and her priestess team weave the light codes of the internet and video in a way I never knew was possible to alchemize and harmonize this work with.  I always felt the work was safe and supported to the highest ethical standards of integrity with a loving responsibility of ones own commitment to the work. The synthesis of it has enveloped me and healed my yearning for sisterhood  immeasurably. I feel balanced and stronger on my priestess path and have gained so many blessings and keys to my healing powers, profession, and personal relationships.

~Abby Martin

Sedona has been a powerful presence in my inner life for the past few years. I trust her and am drawn to work with her in part because of the authentic way she moves and speaks and expresses herself. She embodies divine femininity and shows up passionately in creating space for others to discover and embody their divinity.  I deeply enjoy experiencing the magic we create together outside of regular linear time in sacred circle and  feel more able to move forward on my path, free and powerful in creating the life I desire.

~Rabb Roberts

I took Sedona's online classes when I'd been stressed, grieving and feeling disconnected from my body. I was stiff, didn't really feel my presence in space, and wasn't feeling so connected to beauty. Sedona's class was a remedy for all of this. In the end, the benefits I realized were many. I felt looser, freer and regained the sense of my movement in space. Just as much, I absorbed Sedona's joy and her ability to communicate beauty and gratitude.

She helped me understand, in my body, that joy and grief can inhabit us at the same time. That we can grieve but also be in joy even during the grieving process. That joy is healing, even though it doesn't negate our grieving -- nor would we want it to. It's good to honor both: our joy and our grief.

~Aliza Earnshaw

I have been working with Sedona for over five years (wOw), and I can hardly put into words the transformation that has occurred. So for brevity, I will focus on the post-pandemic temple work we did in the summer/fall of 2022. At that time, I was in a rough space and disassociated from my body from years of stress and isolation. In particular, I experienced a lot of pain and sorrow in my womb, and I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. The doctor wanted to perform a hysterectomy. I refused, choosing to go the holistic route with herbs, diet, and dance. The particular movement style Sedona shared was probably the best thing I could do to "clear" and heal my womb. The rhythmic grinding through the hips and the abdomen and shaking was the perfect formula. I highly recommend this practice for women who want to work on their reproductive health regardless of their age.

~Alison Lacombe 

Sister Shares About The Work 
Sedona Soulfire is a beautiful ritual priestess of ancient feminine wisdom who graciously shares her magic and wisdom from a place of compassion and integrity. It was such a blessing being under Sedona's loving guidance as she lead our amazing group of powerful women through divine exploration, deep inquiry, embodied movement, singing, chanting, dance, and mystical magic, for deep transformation.. The entire experience was powerful, deeply nourishing and healing, as we were held in such a safe encouraging container.

~Donina Doll

I loved Sedona's sacred dance series! From the moment I stepped into the sacred space she created, I felt a deep connection to my power and to the other women in the class. Sedona's guidance and encouragement helped me to fully embrace my body and let go of inhibitions. I left the classes feeling energized, confident, and deeply in touch with my feminine essence. Sedona is a truly gifted teacher, and her dedication to creating a safe and supportive environment for women to connect with their bodies and each other is evident in every class I have taken with her.

~Shara Raqs

©️ Goddess Embodied 2024