Goddess Embodied | Temple Code
 In the Goddess Embodied Temple:
We see every woman as divine and as a reflection of ourselves.
We see ALL as divine and interconnected,

We understand that we are co-creating the New Earth and we have a chance to model that which we are visioning in every single interaction; with ourselves, each other, this earth, all living beings and all that is. In this understanding we consciously choose inclusivity, equality, compassion, tolerance, listening, receptivity, non-judgement and fierce love.

We honor ourselves as conduits, channels and transceivers of divine energy and wisdom. We raise, cultivate and share this energy and wisdom through our work, our art, and our presence in the world.

We nourish and enrich our lives through ritual and ceremony. We understand this is vital for our heart-centered well-being and continued alchemical awakening process.

We nourish and enrich our lives through movement, dance and embodiment, understanding all as pivotal aspects of our fully expressed and satisfied, highest-self living.

We nourish and enrich our lives through collaborative, cooperative sisterhood.

We celebrate the subtle, intuitive and spiritual, honing and honoring our own and each other's magical gifts and inclinations. We offer reverence for the exquisite mystery of existence. 
We are the body, breath, light, hands and voice of the Divine Feminine. We raise the harmonic vibration on the planet by creating beauty and walking the way of love.
We value and are dedicated to cultivating:
 An acknowledgement that our bodies are wise beyond measure, our most powerful instruments, carbon-based vessels of universal intelligence and gateways to divine communion. 
 Free, fully embodied, unapologetic, authentic self-expression beyond suppressive societally conditioned boundaries. 
Standing in our self-authority. A dissolution of the idea that we must seek permission or validation from an outside source.
Liberation in mind, body and spirit from any inner or outer structures of control or limitation.  
 A constant commitment and dedication to continued improvement, growth and expansion.  
 A feeling of personal pride and self-honor. Strength in our connection to self and belief in our unique passions, purpose and innate potential.  
 The raising of harmonic vibration through expression, creativity and artful devotional living. 
A connection with and acknowledgment of the subtle, energetic, spiritual, soulful, intuitive aspects of existence. An awareness and honoring of the animating, intelligent and creative force that flows through all things, as the essence and presence of LOVE.
 A surrender to the divine flow and what is arising. An understanding that there is wisdom, grace and gifts in all experiences. Seeing through the eyes of initiation, acknowledging that there is an opportunity for growth in all circumstances. 
 Co-creating cooperatively in synarchy in the realization that we are stronger and better together.  
A reverence and respect for each other's unique expression, perspective, traditions and come from.
Perceiving, living from and holding the awareness of our innerconnection with one another, this Earth and ALL THAT IS. “There is only one of us here.” 
©️ Goddess Embodied 2024